Friday, May 18, 2018


What comes to your mind when you hear Annual General Meeting?  As a kid I remember associating Kentucky Fried Chicken with my churches AGM.  I'm not sure if that was an actual AGM I'm remembering, but I for sure remember enjoying the chicken!  It seems to me that during the actual "meeting" I would just run around and play in places I shouldn't.  Hiding way up above the baptism tank was always a little scary.

As a pastor I remember using snacks at one of my churches in an effort to get people to attend.  I think my favourite church snack is Elsa's lemon thingys.  They are a cross between a danish and a strudel, flaky (good flaky not bad flaky), and oh my lanta do they taste good.  I'm pretty sure folks came out just because of her dessert!

Camp Evergreen's AGM is coming up in just 36 days.  That's plenty of time to make plans to attend or adjust some of your current plans so you can attend on Saturday, June 23rd.  Our AGM is one of the most important calendar days of the year for us as a Society.  Article 6.1 in our constitution states we need to have an AGM within six months of our year end - December 31st.  June 23rd is cutting it close, but we like to live on the edge!

Article 6.3 states we need to give you at least 21 days notice.  We've been talking about the AGM for months now, but in case you missed it - in 36 days we are having our AGM!  (June 23rd)  :)

One of the most important parts of the meeting is electing our board members who ensure Camp Evergreen keeps operating in the manner our Society expects.  We'll hear some reports from the board, myself and new this year is our financial audit.  (I was hesitant to use the word audit in an effort to get  you to attend, but Kevin our treasurer reports in normal language so you should be OK)

We usually sing a few camp songs and start with warm ups.  We will hear a few testimonies from staff members who have seen their lives changed at Evergreen.  Often we try and have small group discussions on a wide variety of topics that will help us do our ministry better.  And the other important thing...we have ice cream right in the middle of the meeting!  You read that correctly.  How many AGM's have you attended where they serve ice cream?

Photo Credit Tammy Hanratty
I've often said that Camp Evergreen is only as strong as it's support.  That is true.  Without your prayers, financial giving and volunteering, we would simply not be able to be as effective as we are with our ministry.  However, I recently thought of this from a different angle.

Photo Credit Tammy Hanratty

Not only are we as strong as our supporters, but as our support grows or increases, so do our ministry opportunities.  Our current ministry is huge.  We are seeing lives transformed every season.  But our ministry potential is astronomical!

Imagine having a full camp year round.  Imagine more campers coming to know Jesus.  Imagine more public schools joining us, more guests with different faiths.  Imagine more activity options and more structures for Rolf to build...

I hope you can imagine joining us on Saturday June 23rd? 

Thanks for your continued support.

Bob "Ranger" Kroeker
Executive Director

Friday, May 4, 2018

Return of the Jedi..Or was it the Tractor?

If your children are as crazy about Star Wars as our children are, you know that they are celebrating today by saying as often as they can, "May the 4th be with you!"  Bev and I aren't huge fans so their love of Star Wars came from the Braun cousins who got them started at a young age.  Just to be clear, Bev and I like Star Wars, we're just not analyzing each movie four ways from Sunday to see who matches what in the 2nd movie which is the 6th movie or who is related to who.  Spoiler alert - Luke's father was Dar...I digress.

Our tractor was supposed to return today from a long overhaul up in Bob T's shop in Edmonton so we were all ready to celebrate "The Return of the Tractor" but it turns out "The Tractor Strikes Back".  The tractor front wheels were not cooperating this morning so it needs a bit more love.

Bob took the tractor back in November and along with Don and several others have put many (many) hours going over the tractor with a fine tooth comb or should I say a finely polished lightsaber (welder).  By my count they have fixed over 35 things, at times fabricating the part to save money.  Shops who have no connection with Evergreen have donated parts - simply because we are a children's camp.  How cool is that?  Complete strangers supporting Camp Evergreen.

Why is a tractor important to blog about?   This is an example of the strong support we have for Camp Evergreen and an encouragement that we still need volunteers supporting our ministry.  As our support grows, so do our ministry opportunities.  While it is true we need volunteers on site, volunteers who fix our tractor in Edmonton are just as important.  You may remember Bob and his Posse from Lendrum also fixed our Gator as well as building and donating our horse wagon.  We will use all three with the goal of seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

Does a tractor help us Reach Higher?  One of my current board members and previous staff members may remember the time at a former camp where I was up in the bucket of a tractor, being driven around (slowly, oh so slowly) in the middle of a wide game (read middle of a wide game), throwing buckets of water on the campers.  Of course this was before insurance restrictions, safe place etc. (sorry Harry if you're reading this).  Of course we would never do this today (John), but technically speaking I was reaching higher in a tractor!

We use the tractor on a regular basis to feed our horses and plow snow (sometimes in summer).  We cut grass with it, move gravel and even outhouses.  I realize from experience that it is possible to feed horses without the tractor - but it is very difficult.  A tractor is a much needed tool to help us share the life changing news of Jesus with our campers.

Thanks Bob's Posse for your continued support.

Bob "Ranger" Kroeker
Executive Director