Can we talk pancakes for a second? Who doesn't like pancakes? Well I know some of you don't like pancakes, but I'm pretty much a pancake lover. Breakfast, lunch or supper it doesn't really matter. Denny's Grand Slam with pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon along with a glass of ice and a glass of milk. I'm getting hungry just blogging about it!
I'm not super big on crepes or what we would call German pancakes as a kid. (Entschuldigung, meine deutschen Freunde!) Thin pancakes do taste pretty good when you spread lemon juice, sugar and whip cream on them. (Especially with the whip cream in a can that you accidentally spray directly into your mouth - hypothetically speaking of course!)
I'm also not big on adding extra curricular activity to pancakes - blueberries, chocolate chips, bananas, whole wheat etc. I'm a firm believer in the "pure" pancake, swimming in syrup, and if there's any left over whip cream from the crepes...
Why am I going on about pancakes today? This coming Sunday - June 3, we are having two pancake breakfasts at lunch. (Just saying pancake lunch felt a little awkward.) A crew of us will be at Dalhousie Church after the morning service and a second crew will be up in Edmonton at Bob and Marianne Thiessen's starting at 12 noon. A third pancake breakfast (this time at breakfast) will be on Saturday June 16 in Linden.
Photo Credit Tammy Hanratty |
The purpose of these three meals is to raise money for our campership aid. In 2018 we have already designated $24,000 to help campers who otherwise could not come to camp - come to camp! The board has said that we will not turn any camper away due to finances. How cool is that! We are looking for your help to make sure these campers can come. Don't like pancakes? Can't make the dates or locations above? You can easily skip the pancakes and send your cheque directly to camp marked "campership aid!"
We have just heard back officially from Canada Summer Jobs that we will
not be getting any funding this year because of our beliefs. While the result is not surprising it is still disheartening. In some ways I feel that our Prime Minister is more supportive of faith and religion in other countries than here in his own country with the people he was elected to serve. Sorry for the rant! :)
Currently we have students on staff who really need the extra income the grants provide to get them back to Bible college and university in fall. Last year we received $30,000 from the Canada Summer Job grant program and we would like to raise that again this year. It would be very encouraging if as an Evergreen community we could rally around our seasonal staff and support them better than their own government. Bev and I will dig a little deeper. Will you join us? Please mark your cheques "CSJ."
Thanks for your continued support and I hope to see you at our AGM on Saturday June 23rd!
Bob "Ranger" Kroeker
Executive Director